Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rhetorical Theory and Thinking

Rhetorical Theory
Rhetoric and the Democratic Process
Rhetoric is one of the the backbones of speeach and overall communtication. It is what brings life to words and gives language “Je ne se qua”* when they are spoken. Chapter 2 of Gerard Hausers book, Introduction on Rhetorical Theory, resonated with me in many ways. In  the beginning of Chapter Two I was captivated by the analogy Hauser made about Rhetoric and its use in politics. According to Hauser the negative effects of rhetoric can be found in the democratic process.  His exmaple was very interesting because it correalates so well with going on in the United States . Hauser states, “Since the democratic process has fallen into the hands of the wealthy the voice of the public has suffered immensely. Since the wealthy are in power they see the interests of their own kind and not that of the people. The most powerful hire professional firms (Big Pharma/Big Banks/HealthcareInd./AgricultureInd./NRR’s) are able to sway our representives to pay off senators and representatives. In return these (Senators/Congressmen) are able to  to mount high publicity campaigns and  sway the peoplen to vote for public matters (where your tax $ go) for THEIR private interests (US military/warfare, presonal greed) thus all the dishonesty of system results in the suffering of the people.
Rhetoric is used by our government to feed, their interests not the society not US. 
According to Dewey, “Communication is the key practice necessary to guarantee that our representatives learn the publics interests”. In the United States the government discourages proactive decision making by smart citizens in order to procure the best interests for the wealthy. Both Broder and Dewey that say the difference in proactive communitcationis is having either an open or closed mind. (16) This in turn places a respondsibility for YOU to decifer deception; the psyche can be just as faulty as the corrupt leaders. A part of developing rhetoric for speech and persuasion is questioning what you read and what you are told , even if what your being told is “said” to be right, this may include a governemnt that percieves itself as superior to your own beliefs ( YES, this means the U.S.A.) 
The way we deal with public issues reveal some insights into the boundless possibilities and limitations of human beings. Speaking and writing influence the human world and can either help or prevent change. The ability to accept and act on this is called Agency (17). Agency is essential for establishing both political and social relations. Often we rely on groups and people which are symbols to coordinate these actions. These people are often referred to as “leaders”. But why do we chose these leaders ? Because leaders cause you to believe in something. They make appeals, take stands and do so at specific times and places in a way that can captivate that masses. That is what Rhetoric is and does.
Rhetoric is that special something, a precise chooice of word, sound, timing, and thought to make a change. The effects of liguistic rhetoric are many. Rhetoric can often pose an argument becuase you are questioning a tradition of thought. The impact you have on that mode of thought can cause discourse, but like aristotle says “deliberation is not possible without discourse”. And without discourse nothing can change, and by nothing I mean a change that can be positive or negative . (17)
Rhetoric As a Social Method
Rhetoric is a mode of action (praxis) that has consequences.It’s how you speak to the community, this means applying culturally understood forms to influence the communities judgement. Offering a multicultural perspective on problem solving is essential in this day and age It helps apply clearer perspective to problem solving which makes it easier to understand people ans their views. 
Maintaining power and influence with Rhetoric is referred to as Dynamis (18). I would call it fervor, “that drive for results/ understand”.
 Dynamis and Rhetoric don’t always have to occur on large scales. Bargaining at a rummage sale or at the market requires that you use rhetoric and dynamis in your speech if your seeking to get a better deal.
Rhetorical Thinking: Narrative

One of the aspects of rhetorical thinking is the narrative. For ages narratives  have told tales to teach a lesson, establish cultural norms, and encourage cooperation amongst the masses. Various forms of literature were used to convey these ideologies. For example “Homeric” myths and oral traditions often required the use of rhetoric to convey the best image and ideology for the listener. (21) A specific type of rhetorical thinking is introduced through unofficial expressions as well. A good example of this would be an urban legend or perhaps someone’s notorious reputation. The rhetoric used in transmittting these stories are unique because they require the speaker to use distinct sound and word choice, so the story leaves a lasting impression. Unofficial expressions always seem to be the most interesting bits of conversation. They can also put a person “ in the know”, which raises their social satus. (21)

Rhetorical Thinking: Dialect
In Plato’s Rebublic, Plato encouraged the questioning of truth. “By Questioning the truth, you expose the false and improve thinking”. The going back and forth between right and wrong is referred to as Dialectic. (22) Plato taught insights into dialectic thinking can only be discovered by ourselves, and not off the beliefs of someone else. Dialectic thinking is said to be based on what you have perceved and experienced. This can be both good and bad thing. Bad meaning, arguments can be never ending because you can’t understand the views and emotions of the other person (this person is referred to as the interlocutor) and good in the way you can produce new ideas for yourself and for others. Through dialectic Midwife Art can occur. This is the recogninzing of false truths and the development of new ideas. Overall dialectic is the art of the argument. Though things can  not always be solved through dialectic thinking it is taught that  the art of “exhange” can be just as rewarding (22) 
Matters of nature are based on Contingency. Contingency consists of issues with no certain answers, yet have credible and heavy enough evidence to become a topic of discussion.(24). What we (rhetoric for us, the people) find contingent issues are open ended and range from a variety of issues. Contingent issues often vary in topic and can cause both negative and positive outcomes. Because our opionions vary on continugent issues it is often hard to make change (25).
Sophistic Rhetoric
Sophistic Rhetoric states that human affairs offer no transscendent truths, which is why the quality of civic life depends on the quality of agreements betweens citizens (25). Protogoras said in order to participate in civic affairs one must have a sense of justic. To him the quality of the city reflects the quality of how the people solve problems and live . If the quality of the lives of the people increase, the well being of the citizens does, thus the civilization thrives better as a whole. Sophists encouraged their students to always see two sides of an issue (dissoi logoi). They also taught there was a time and place to pose an argument. A part of rhetoric is knowing the appropriateness of when to say things. Sophists also saw rhetoric as destabilizing becuase a new argument is always being introduced (Koinos). Koinos correalates with time and appropriateness (prepon). However with a new argument always comes a new point of view. (27-29)
Sophists regarded language as a creative for shaping possibilities and also encouraged humor to enhance rhetoric. For example: Logic does not always have to be serious and can be in correaltion to fun things such as love or through jokes. (29)
My Opinion
Overall the power of language to arouse and calm emoitons is important for guiding another’s soul. lSophists made the observation that if language, words and speech are this potent than we must watch how and what we say in order to procuce the best well being for society. (37)
I say choose your words wisely and how you say them even wiser. Don’t believe everything you here yet question everything you here, especialy when its come to government and authorities. Pay attention to who your own beliefs yet do not ignore the opinions of others because they have something to teach you too. Encourage constructive  and proactive argument in your life. You dont always have to agree with someone but if you find commmon ground you are one step closer to finding truth. And through truth their is revolution for all of us and a chance to raise both yours and the communites conciousness.
Additional Words for Thought: Logos (logic), Pathos (emotion), Ethos (argument based on authority).
* “Je ne se qua”, a french phrase meaning an intangible quality that makes something distinctive or attractive.

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