Monday, April 2, 2012

Barbrook and Schultz

        Barbrook is an academic at the University of Cambridge where is obtained his BA in Social and Political Science. He obtained his MA in political behavior at the Univeristy of Essex and his Doctorate in politics and government at the University of Kent. He also heavily involved in radio and hypermedia studies. Schultz is an artist, author, and computer professional that lives in Berlin. He is project manager for, a Berlin based open radio that is a local and international P2P network of groups, individuals and non-commercial radios that combines "old radio" and "new" open source software.
The Digital Artisans Manifesto is a satirical manifesto aimed at preserving the practices of the graphic designer in the early 90’s. I feel it was written out of the fear of the unknown of the dot com era . Overall, I find this amusing yet I feel as though some of the assumptions made by EDAN on the direction in were digital artisans are placed in the future was a bit misguided. At times I found it hard to realize the objectives of EDAN, esepcially when they would oppose traditional economic systems but then put themselves in the likeness of the same systems such as the European Union. I also think inviting “everyone” to be a part of this system of artisans was a bit of an overstatement because I feel not everyone who works in the digital zone belongs in this catergory.

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